Strong presence in the terminal sector

Hupac Group terminals

Hupac operates 12 terminals in Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Poland. The facilities are operated with our own staff, resources and state-of-the-art software solutions. Here you can find all information about our terminals.

Terminal Aarau

Hupac Intermodal Ltd

Terminal Antwerp

Hupac Intermodal BVBA

Terminal Basel Wolf

Hupac Intermodal Ltd

Terminal Brwinów

Hupac Terminal Brwinów Sp. z o.o.

Terminal Busto Arsizio-Gallarate

Hupac SpA

Terminal Chiasso

Hupac Intermodal Ltd

Terminal Geleen

RTC Rail Terminal Chemelot BV

Terminal Köln Nord

Combiconnect Köln Nord GmbH

Terminal Novara CIM

Combiconnect Srl

Terminal Piacenza

Terminal Piacenza Intermodale Srl

Terminal Pordenone

Hupac SpA

Terminal Singen

Terminal Singen TSG GmbH